Rendlesham Forest

This event is also known as the Woodbridge or Bentwaters incident as it happened just outside the perimeters of two US air bases, RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters.

At around 3am on 27th December 1980, two USAF security patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the back gate at RAF Woodbridge. They radioed their superior who authorised three patrolmen to investigate. Upon nearing the source of the lights, they reported a metallic triangular object which made off through the trees as they approached. A daylight examination of the area the next day revealled three round depression in the ground and an increase in radiation levels in the area. That night, a red light was seen pulsing and moving through the trees. It broke into five separate white pieces and disappeared. Three star-like objects were then observed in the sky moving rapidly in sharp angular motions.

This story was first leaked out the following month by a USAF security officer. It became apparent that on the night of the first sighting, an uncorrelated target was picked up by a radar operator at RAF Watton in Norfolk. It had been lost in the area of Rendlesham Forest. The radar tapes were later confiscated.

On the last night of the unusual events, the base commander, Colonel Charles Halt was one of the team that went into the forest to investigate. He made an audio tape of what went on that night. Amongst the things described on the tape were farm yard animals near the forest being disturbed by something, a red light, pieces of it breaking off, radiation readings and a beam of light being projected at the ground. The original tape is believed to be over 2 hours long. An 18 minute edited copy was given to a solicitor in 1984.

Later, many more witnesses came forward and added their input to the events that happened those christmas nights. Even after all this, the Defence Department says that nothing of any defence significance happened in Rendlesham Forest.

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